Terms of use


All third-party (or commercial) content presented on the site is the property of their respective owners (including photographs), and is protected by intellectual property law. Any reproduction of third-party content is prohibited without the prior consent of its author. Any reproduction of these contents is prohibited.


Sogecam puts in place the means to ensure a site and quality services. Nevertheless, the company Sogecam cannot be held responsible for any unavailability, failure, modification or error occurring during the use of its site or its services, except for those provided for in the specific conditions inherent to certain services. .
Sogecam cannot guarantee the continuity, accessibility and absolute security of the site given the risks inherent in the Internet.
Users expressly acknowledge that they use the site and its services at their sole and entire risk. Sogecam cannot be held liable for any damage, direct or indirect of any nature whatsoever, occurring during the use of its site or its services, with the exception of those resulting from a breach of its obligations.
Sogecam cannot be held responsible for relations (contractual or not) between advertisers/partners and users of the site, unless expressly stipulated in the contract.

Report illegal content

You can report illegal content by writing to: info@jambes-machines.be If you wish to appear on the site and/or modify the information concerning your company, you can write to the address info@jambes-machines.be


All disputes related to or resulting from the use of the site are exclusively subject to Belgian law. Only the courts of Brussels are competent to settle these disputes.
This version of the legal notice was put online on September 1, 2021.