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195 Finishing Helical Cutter
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195 Finishing Helical Cutter
Regular price
TVA comprise
D=6 x 22mm L=70*S=6 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life
D=8 x 22mm L=70*S=8 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life
D=8 x 32mm L=80* S=8 Z3* with chip breaker
D=8 x 32mm L=80*S=8 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life
D=8 x 42mm L=90* S=8 Z3* with chip breaker
D=10 x 32mm L=80* S=10 Z3* with chip breaker
D=10 x 32mm L=80*S=10 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life
D=10 x 42mm L=90* S=10 Z3* with chip breaker
D=10 x 42mm L=90*S=10 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life
D=10 x 52mm L=100*S=10 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life
D=12 x 35mm L=83* S=12 Z3* with chip breaker
D=12 x 32mm L=80*S=12 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life
D=12 x 42mm L=90* S=12 Z3* with chip breaker
D=12 x 42mm L=90*S=12 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life
D=12 x 52mm L=100* S=12 Z3* with chip breaker
D=12 x 52mm L=100*S=12 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life
Product variants
D=6 x 22mm L=70*S=6 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life - €56,63
D=8 x 22mm L=70*S=8 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life - €63,53
D=8 x 32mm L=80* S=8 Z3* with chip breaker - €69,45
D=8 x 32mm L=80*S=8 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life - €72,60
D=8 x 42mm L=90* S=8 Z3* with chip breaker - €85,79
D=10 x 32mm L=80* S=10 Z3* with chip breaker - €98,86
D=10 x 32mm L=80*S=10 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life - €85,31
D=10 x 42mm L=90* S=10 Z3* with chip breaker - €121,97
D=10 x 42mm L=90*S=10 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life - €101,28
D=10 x 52mm L=100*S=10 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life - €111,80
D=12 x 35mm L=83* S=12 Z3* with chip breaker - €134,79
D=12 x 32mm L=80*S=12 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life - €112,17
D=12 x 42mm L=90* S=12 Z3* with chip breaker - €154,03
D=12 x 42mm L=90*S=12 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life - €123,42
D=12 x 52mm L=100* S=12 Z3* with chip breaker - €162,62
D=12 x 52mm L=100*S=12 Z3*HWM Chrome Coating DLCS*3x longer life - €134,31
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195 Finishing Helical Cutter